Tell Your Story

The World Bank data indicates that only about 3.8% of Nigeria's GDP was spent on healthcare in 2019, which is significantly lower than the recommended 15% set by the African Union's Abuja Declaration.
According to the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2018, nearly 20% of children under the age of five in Nigeria are stunted due to malnutrition, reflecting inadequate access to healthcare and nutrition.
Over 60% of the country’s population lacks access to quality primary healthcare services as reported by the National Primary Healthcare Development Agency (NPHCDA) in June 2023.
Revealed by NOI Polls in the May 2023 report, only 17% of the country's population has health insurance coverage.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that approximately 50% of people in sub-Saharan Africa, also leaving Africa with Over 600,000,000 (million) people representing 48% of the continent's population, still lack access to quality healthcare Services -January 2022 report.
UNICEF reports, January 2022 that 72% of the population in sub-Saharan Africa does not have access to basic sanitation facilities, which can lead to health issues.

Millions of Stories are untold, stories we hold dear in our hearts, stories that remind us of our distrust for the healthcare sector and the people that manage it, stories that point to the many ordeals and sad experiences with the broken healthcare systems in Nigeria and Africa, these stories bring back the memories of the families and loved ones we have lost over the years to the neglect, dysfunctional healthcare system and the impact of poverty and lack of quality medications which has led to multiple loss of lives.

We are changing the narrative

Your Story Can Be A Powerful Tool For Change

We want to tell your stories to the world and use your stories to impact change in a new way.

Why We Share
Your Story?

Sharing your experiences can raise awareness about the struggles of accessing healthcare, inspiring advocacy, awareness, and intervention for improved healthcare systems and services. Whether you've faced challenges in the past, maybe it’s the story of your loved one or a friend, something you experienced or observed, or you are currently experiencing difficulties, your story can be a vital instrument for change. We are ready to champion the cause and ensure you are heard and that you get what you deserve.

Together, let's make a difference.

By sharing your experiences, you contribute to a collective effort to address healthcare disparities in our society. Together, we can drive change and ensure that everyone has access to the healthcare they deserve. Share your story today and be part of this transformation. #BIGAiD #ShareYourStory, #AdvocateForChange

How to Share Your Story

Write or record your story, highlighting the challenges you or your loved ones have faced in accessing healthcare, detailing your experience with fact and dates, location, and persons who can verify or testify to have observed as proof.
Jorther image

Jorther image
Share your story with us through the story box below and attach files with button (Image)

Your story will be kept confidential and shared anonymously to protect your privacy and safety on your request. (Please tick the options below).
Pana image

Rafiki image
We will utilize your stories to advocate for better healthcare access and support. We will also intervene where necessary.

Guiding Questions

To help you share your story effectively, consider answering the following questions using the below tell story form:

What specific challenges have you faced in accessing healthcare?

150 Words max

How has limited healthcare access impacted your life or the lives of your loved ones?

150 Words max

What changes or improvements do you believe are needed in our healthcare systems?

150 Words max

Have you encountered any positive experiences or solutions in your healthcare journey in recent times?

Yes, No

Do you still need urgent healthcare intervention?

Yes, No

Share Your Story!!

All stories will be shared and used in any form, such as text and image etc. as an advocacy tool to impact change in the healthcare sector.

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Please note: all stories will be shared and used in any form, such as text and image etc. as an advocacy tool to impact change in the healthcare sector. By sharing your story on BIGAiD, you give BIGAiD the right of use to your story for any of its strategies in achieving its goal of saving lives.

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